Meet Yasin Abbak, CEO and Co-Founder of The Convoy


Yasin is the CEO and Co-Founder of The Convoy, a B2B marketplace that helps small and independent businesses save money by pooling their buying power. He has a background in finance, a successful startup exit under his belt, and a lifelong passion for helping small businesses.

Yasin has raised more than $1.5M in venture and angel funding for The Convoy since incorporating in 2021, the very day he sold his prior company, The Fantasy Life App. As CEO, he had built the app into the industry’s fastest breaking news alert engine to identify arbitrage opportunities at sportsbooks.

Before Fantasy Life, Yasin founded The Convoy’s precursor: Paired Media. Paired helped reduce the expenses of independently owned restaurants by combining their group distribution power. Paired provided free branded items that the restaurant would otherwise have to pay for, saving those restaurants money and creating a postage-free direct mail alternative for the advertisers using the restaurants’ collective delivery network.

Before entering the startup space as a founder, Yasin was an Angel investor while working in finance at JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley, where he also won the firm’s global public speaking contest, and was the youngest ever Executive Financial Services Director.

Yasin attended Drew University in New Jersey and spent most of his career in New York City. He currently lives in Raleigh, NC with his wife (and fellow Co-Founder of The Convoy) Melanie Deziel, and their daughter.

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