This Was North Carolina's Favorite Comfort Food In 2020

The beginning of each new year typically is accompanied by a desire to be more active and get healthy. Last year began much the same way, but resolutions quickly dissolved once the pandemic went into full effect. People handled quarantine and lockdowns differently: some turned to exercise, many to TV, and others even began baking their own bread (Remember that phase?).

One thing that many people had in common during this time was turning to the foods that brought them comfort. Depending on each state, these foods could vary widely. New data released by e-conoglight used Google Trends to determine the most popular comfort food in each state.

So what was North Carolina searching for the most?

Chicken and waffles!

Whether you call it a trend or credit good ol' Southern cooking, people in the Tar Heel State were loving the combo of crispy fried chicken and sweet, fluffy waffles. Arizona and Nevada also enjoyed chicken and waffles more than any other comfort food last year.

Other popular comfort foods from around the country include chicken and dumplings, chicken and waffles, grilled cheese, and a variety of soups.

Check out the list here to see what comfort food each state craved most throughout 2020.

Photo: Getty Images

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