Brian Raleigh, President & Founder of Raleigh Wealth Solutions

Brian Raleigh has helped retirees and business owners craft effective income and tax strategies for the past 25 years. His comprehensive approach to planning is designed to help clients retire earlier, and his income strategies help keep clients from worrying about the ups and downs of the market. His knowledge and strategic relationships assist business owners in saving on taxes, keeping more of their hard-earned money in their pockets!

Brian took his first position in a Fortune 500 financial services company in 1995, where he moved into the company’s top 1% in sales in three years. After a successful 10-year corporate career, he knew that to truly serve his clients without product bias and corporate self-interest, he needed to start his own firm.

In 2005, he formed TruWealth Strategies, which would later become Raleigh Wealth Solutions. Brian’s motto is: “Hope for the best, but plan for the worst.”

Brian has appeared in Fortune, CNN Money, USA Today and several local publications. Here in Raleigh, he is known as “Raleigh’s Retirement Coach.” His radio show can be heard on WTKK 106.1 every Saturday and Sunday.

Born and raised in Swanton, Vermont, Brian graduated from the University of Vermont with a Bachelor of Science degree in education. He earned his master’s degree from Western Carolina University and obtained his Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow (LUTCF) designation in 1999 with a focus on estate and business planning strategies. In 2017, he received the Certified Financial Educator (CFEd) designation.

Outside of the office, Brian plays and coaches hockey and enjoys working out, biking, yoga and canoeing. He and his wife, Jill, have four children. Their oldest daughter Mikayla is a Raleigh Wealth Solutions Wealth Advisor; their son Jake and their daughter Shaelyn recently joined Raleigh Wealth Solutions, and their youngest Brandon goes to Athens Drive High School and plays hockey for the Junior Hurricanes.

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